Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Home Security, Securing Doors and Windows Effectively

Home security continues to be a very important topic for many families. This is especially relevant today since crime rates (especially for burglaries) typically increase when the economy is struggling. Consequently, I felt it would be a good idea to review ways to enhance home security by making doors and windows more secure.

Since it has been reported that illegal entry into homes occurs more often through the front door than through all other points of entry combined, lets start with discussing ways to make doors more impenetrable. All exterior doors should be made of reinforced steel, or solid hard wood. However, even these doors are not very secure if the door frame (especially the door jams) are poorly constructed, e.g., made out of cheap pine. For maximum security I recommend utilizing either heavy-duty strike plates, or a door reinforcer kit, and installing 3 inch nickel-plated or stainless steel screws in all exterior door jams (making sure that the screws penetrate at least 2 inches into the underlying framing lumber).

Sliding glass doors are a favorite target of burglars. The quickest and cheapest way to secure these doors is to simply wedge a broom handle, at about a 45 degree angle, into the door track on the inside. Additional security is easily obtained by screwing several screws into the door's upper track, with just enough clearance to allow the door to slide freely, but not allowing the door to be removed.

Your garage door can also be easy pickings, unless you have an electronic door opener, which is usually fairly inexpensive these days and makes it very difficult to force open the door from the outside, without breaking through the door panels. However, be sure you change the security code (for the electronic door) from the pre-installed settings (which are usually set to all zeros), since the more professional burglars know this and can take advantage of this knowledge, if you don't change the settings!

Now let's turn to windows. I've heard that burglars usually break windows as a last resort, or maybe by accident. They prefer cutting an access hole through the window frame and using a stiff wire to open the window's locking device. I feel that the safest windows are glass block ones, which are almost impossible to break through. Of course, they cannot be opened and some people think they are ugly to look at. So, I mainly recommend them for use in basements, or other areas near ground level and out-of-sight.

Most double-hung windows have cheap locks. An old, inexpensive remedy, for this type of window, is to install eyebolts in both corners and, if done properly, they make it almost impossible to open the window from the outside, when the eyebolts are in place. A more sophisticated solution is to install heavy-duty sash locks, or keyed locks, if you can tolerate the inconvenience. I do not recommend screwing the window shut, since this approach is a safety hazard in case of fire!

All of these measures can be very effective. In addition, it can be useful to install surveillance equipment in key locations. This provides insurance in case the security measures mentioned above do not prevent a break-in. If this should happen, the evidence captured via the surveillance system can be critical for the capture of the bandit(s) and quick recovery of all stolen goods!

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Home Security Basics - Three Top Ways to Secure Your Home

Your home serves as a safe haven for both your family and your property. The first step that should be taken in securing your home should be habitually locking all doors and windows. Studies have shown that this alone can be a strong deterrent to would-be burglaries. Because most home robberies are what is called "crimes of opportunity", most burglars would rather wait for an easy target (one with unlocked doors or windows) than spend the time and energy breaking into a secured home. In the case that your home becomes a target regardless of this fact, there are three main methods that you can follow to further ensure your security.

Security Doors

A good steel security door can be a great barrier between you and any unwanted company. In most cases, a would-be burglar cannot kick in steel security doors. To accomplish this, steel security doors are positioned outside the normal front door, and designed to open outward. Kicking the door can only serve to pull the deadbolt out of its socket. To increase the security, the door is secured by the entire doorframe, which will require battering rams and other advanced devices to knock down. Furthermore, security doors typically take at least twice as long for someone to pick the lock. In the event that someone does try to break yours down, they will probably just end up waking the neighbors before they make it inside.

Deadbolt Locks

One of the simplest ways to avoid having your door kicked in is to install a deadbolt with a steel strike plate. This will also help to prevent anyone from opening a standard latch-style lock by inserting a credit card or other similar object in between the door and the doorframe. Because a deadbolt must be operated by a key to be opened, this is impossible to do.

Home Security Systems

In addition to strong locks and doors, you should consider installing a home security system. These systems come in a variety of styles and levels of protection. On the most basic level, a security system can provide you with an audible alarm whenever one of the magnetic connections installed on a door or window becomes broken. This alarm serves not only as a warning to you that something is amiss, but is often enough to scare a burglar right out the door.

In order to strengthen your security system, you should also install motion sensors, vibration sensors and security system monitoring. This combination of security technologies will ensure that even if a criminal is able to outsmart a portion of your security system, they will not be able to get past another element. If someone breaks a window to avoid the magnetic sensors that detect open windows, for example, vibration sensors or motion sensor can detect their presence in your home. By monitoring your system, you add an additional line of safety in the form of a third-party company who will call the appropriate authorities in the case of an invasion.

Regardless of the level of security that you choose to install, you are best served by employing multiple methods. By doing so, you essentially multiply your safety because you are not relying on a single safety method or device to keep your home, your family and your valuables safe.

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Increasing the Security of Your Home

It is common to take a closer look at the security of your home after becoming aware of crimes in your area. Whether those crimes are burglaries, home invasions or other similar events, there are a number of steps that you can take today to increase the security of your home and prevent your home from being targeted in a crime.

Analyze Your Home One of the first things you should do is take a look at your home by standing across the street or at a distance. Look at your home as if you were a criminal who is trying to find a way into your home. Does the landscaping offer excellent cover from visibility of those passing by on the street? Are there other obstructions that may allow a burglar or robber to easily gain access to the home without others noticing? You can remove obstructions and make landscaping changes to ensure that all doors and windows are easily visible from the street.

The Presence of a Dog Many criminals can disable a standard home security alarm with relative ease, so a security alarm sign in the front yard is not a major deterrent. A barking dog, a dog standing watch at a front window or a sign that warns that a dog is on the property are all more effective deterrents. A criminal would much rather prefer to visit the house next to you that does not have a dog than to hassle with your home and dog.

Don't Flaunt Your Luxury Items It is common for criminals to stake out a home before targeting it. They want to ensure that the home offers sufficient rewards for them to pursue. If you have expensive items in the garage, be sure to keep your garage door closed. If you have high-end electronics, beautiful works of art and more, keep these items away from visibility from the street as well as away from view from the front door. Keep in mind that criminals often pose as door-to-door salesmen to scope out the items you have available before deciding to enter your home later.

Install Better Locks Criminals want to find a home that offers great rewards, but they also want to find a home that is easy to access. Some locks, such as spring latch or slip bolt locks are easier for a criminal to open than a deadbolt lock or other similar locks. You may consider contacting a professional locksmith to review your home's locks and to provide you with advice regarding the need to upgrade the locks for additional security.

Nobody wants to experience a home invasion, burglary or other event. By taking just a few steps today, you can minimize the risk of being targeted for such a crime.

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What to Look for in Hidden Spy Cameras

Though cameras were invented long ago, hidden spy cameras were launched only recently by Kodak in 1983. The idea was to record videos secretly, and to transmit them to a secret receiver. Since its invention, the looks, features and uses of spy cameras went through continuous changes. And even today, different brands come with more advanced and more high-tech models of spy cameras at regular intervals. Thanks to advancement of technology that these cameras have made the safety of your loved ones easier than ever before. However, when it comes to buying a camera out of the lot, it is quite a daunting task. Read this article to know some useful tips on what to look for when buying hidden spy cameras.

Things to Consider when Buying Hidden Spy Camera

Before you go on to purchase a hidden spy camera, you must make sure what you want to do with the camera. Depending upon your individual requirements, you may want to include or exclude certain features in your camera. Moreover, reputation and background of the store should also be taken into consideration. Following are the three important things to consider when buying hidden spy cameras.

Design - Since you are buying a hidden spy camcorder, outward designs do not matter much. However, the thing to note here is the amount of space it takes. Moreover, it should not look like a camera. This is because you don't want other to identify it quickly. Make sure that the camera is such that it can be easily connected to other electronic items, such as computers and laptops. This makes it easy for you to store and review any footage easily. It is even better if the hidden spy camcorder is featured with a USB plug-in port and an RCA video input or output. This enables you to review footages as and when they are recorded. Additional Features - Apart from the design and the technical features, hidden camcorder must have some additional features, such as built-in DVR or an external memory slot. This allows you to have a look at the recordings without actually connecting the camera to any external device. Apart from these, to add credibility to your recording proof, make sure that your spy camcorder comes with options of color video recording and time stamping. 24 /7 Customer support - The simple fact that you are opting for a spy gadget is that you want to ensure the safety and security of your loved ones. Thus while ordering or purchasing spy camcorder make sure that you are buying it from a reputed store or brand. Also, make sure that the company has an active customer care system to solve technical problems, should they arise.

So, consider all these factors before buying hidden spy camera, and ensure the safety of your loved ones.

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Why Home Security Systems Are Necessary?

Normally, for human beings, particularly men, career would be the top priority. The reason for looking to build a good career is to make enough money to lead a comfortable life with their families. Once you have attained a good financial state, it is natural to want to buy a good home with all the usual household items that people usually have at homes. They include wooden furniture, TV set, desktop computer, kitchen items for your wife which can include costly ones like dishwashers, ovens etc. Buying gold is also commonly seen among people with good money since it is seen as an investment strategy. However, most people buy gold and other jewelries and keep them at home.

Even though doing everything told above is perfectly natural and that is what every normal human being would do, there is also a huge risk involved. The same items listed above may get stolen if you are not careful. The number of Burglary cases is constantly on the rise even in a well-developed country like the United States of America. Even though the American police system is advanced and is always on high alert, you wouldn't want to take a chance with all the expensive products that you have bought for your house with your hard earned money.

Thankfully, due to the huge development that has taken place and is constantly taking place in the field of technology, there is a solution to this potential life-changing problem of burglary in the form of home security systems. The term 'home security systems' can be deceiving since these systems can be used to secure offices as well.

However, the issue with home security systems is the cost of these systems since they can be pretty expensive. In some cases, the cost of these security systems can be more than the cost of all the household items put together in a house. Hence, it may not be cost-effective for all homes.

But, if you have spent a lot of money to buy expensive products for your house, then it would be necessary to invest in these security systems especially if you have women and kids at home when you are away. They won't be strong enough to stop burglary attempts. Sometimes, trying to stop these attempts may end up hurting them seriously.

You need to think about investing in home security systems as life-long investments to fully secure your home for a long time to come.

Boost Your Home Security - Guaranteed!   Staying Safe in Your Home   Learn the Benefits of Buying a Wireless Home Security Alarm Online   A Guide to Padlocks Through History   Fire Safety Tips and Precautions   Motion Detectors - Why Every House and Apartment Should Have a Motion Detector   

Home Protection Tips: Why A Diversion Safe Will Protect Your Valuables

A diversion safe offers an excellent way to protect your valuable belongings form theft - it looks just like a regular household item such as a book or electrical outlet. However, its true purpose is to function as a place to hide valuables such as jewelry or money. The use of this type of safe is an excellent way to protect your most valuable possessions. Even if a thief knows about these types of safes, it will be impossible to discover which items in your home are really what they appear to be and which ones hide your cash.

A thief who has broken into your home is not likely to check all the food cans in your cupboard or every cleaning product under the sink. The thief wants to work fast to escape detection. Traditional safes are frequently targeted by thieves but diversion safes are often not recognized. Thieves simply do not have the time to check every item in the home.

Burglars rarely spend more than a few minutes in a home. While they search your home quickly for valuables, they will look in the most obvious places. They are not likely to check to see if money is hidden in your electrical outlets - there are probably way too many in your house for the intruder to check them all anyway. It is time to stop hiding money in your sock drawer and use a clever diversion safe instead.

Where Thieves Check First

Thieves are usually in a hurry and will check the commonly used hiding places first. These places include closets, refrigerators, and any place around the bed.

These are the places that thieves check first because these are the locations where many people hide their valuables. A diversion safe can protect your valuable possessions in the event of a burglary. Since most burglars work very quickly, you should fool the burglar into thinking they have already checked all the places where your valuables might be.

The master bedroom is usually the first place that is searched. Thieves know that most people hide their important possessions and cash in their dresser drawers. You may think you picked the perfect spot to hide your cash but it will be the first place that a thief will look.

There are many bad choices you can make when you try to hide your valuable possessions. The economy is currently very difficult for many people so there are more victims of home burglaries. Be sure to take all the appropriate steps in order to prevent burglars from targeting your home. In addition, you should also take extra steps to protect your valuables in case thieves do manage to break into your home.

What Sort of Diversion Safe Works Best?

There are many types of objects which can make good diversion safes and will keep your possessions out of the hands of thieves.

To hide items such as cash, coins, or jewelry, a small can of food or a drink can will make an effective safe. A wall clock can function as a safe for larger objects. There are many types of safes available so you will easily find one that suits your needs and looks as if it fits into the objects in your home.

If you use something that might be picked up and rattle, be sure to test it first by shaking it. If you hear a rattle, fill up the space with some wadded tissue or cloth so that a prowler does not discover that there is something inside. Loose coins or jewelry will make a rattle if they are hidden inside an object so you must be sure to muffle the sound. This is particularly important if the item is out in plain sight and easily accessible.

These days it is more important than ever to safeguard the contents of your home. A diversion safe is an excellent and inexpensive way to protect your belongings from thieves.

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Alarm Monitoring Services - The Different Types of Home Security

Discover the two types of alarm monitoring services in the market and the pros and cons that each type will offer the homeowner.

The industry of the home security systems is quite complex and complicated if one does not have the right ideas on what should be the ideal and perfect choice. An average homeowner will be so confused about the alarm monitoring services that will be present. For a homeowner to get the best home alarm systems, the first thing he could probably assess and work with is the types of home monitoring service providers that exist. This way, he gets to have a background on what type would work best for his needs and preferences.

Two Major Classifications and the Pros and Cons

Technically, there are several types of the alarm monitoring services in the market. However, as a general overview, the main categories can be broken down into the national level providers and the local home security alarm companies. The former type comes with the corporate providers, and these are the ones that have this nationwide coverage and offices in various locations. These are companies such as Security Networks, Protect America, Protection 1, ADT, Monitronics, Vivint, Vector Security, Guardian Protection etc. Regional offices would basically be found in major cities and towns.

A second type of the nationwide provider is the sub-dealers. These are the companies that are composed of the installers and the sales teams. Essentially, these dealers for the home monitoring service then send out the clients to the corporate company for the installation. Dealers are generally just involved in the setup of the home alarm security systems and its initial run and operation. However, further procedures for the full function of the alarm monitoring services will have to be worked with the corporate entity, or the monitoring company.

The use of the nation-wide security providers are considered as beneficial for those that do not have access to local providers. As it is expensive to run and operate a monitoring station, you will discover that most of the local providers are actually sub-dealers for these monitoring stations. The scope and coverage of the services of the company are quite huge, and even the most remote areas will have the benefit of secured and protected homes. The major disadvantage these companies have is the lack of local knowledge, which means local government codes and laws cannot be assessed properly by the provider.

Local Companies are typically the second general classification for the security alarm monitoring companies. The category is further broken down into sub-dealers and independent contractors. The dealer would have the same function as that of the nationwide contractors. However, the passing on of the responsibility is through the local company rather than a nationwide provider. Independent providers are locally owned businesses that have the same functions as that of the nationwide providers, but the scope of service they offer is only limited to the main area.

For most home security systems experts, the best choice would be the local providers as they have the most extensive background on the immediate vicinity. While some alarm monitoring services come with the knowledge of the business, the fact remains that a knowledge of the local codes and rules would be something that really works out a great deal. Plus, these local alarm providers may have added discounts that could really help in the cost-effectiveness of the system. The only known disadvantage the local types of security system providers have is the lack of presence of one in the area.

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Three Reasons You Need a Home Security System

Imagine walking into your home to find it in disarray. Things are strewn about the floor, the TV gone and things just a mess. You do not know what has taken place, or if there is an intruder present in your home. Panic immediately sets in and you are unsure of what to do. This certainly describes a scary situation for any homeowner to discover, however, there is a great vice out there to protect you, and that is a home security system.

These were designed to protect your home from intruders who have come to take what they want or even cause harm to yourself or your family. There are many products in the line of security products, with the security alarm the most popular of them all. With a security alarm installed in your home you have eyes watching all of the things that you cannot see, invaluable peace of mind that cannot be compared. Take a look at three other great reasons you need a home security system.

Home Invasion Cases are on the Rise

It is a sad fact, but home invasions are on the rise, up 15% worldwide over the last year. Some cities and states have increased in percentage even more than this. With 1 in 10 homes being victimized and that great increase in home invasions, you are never doing too much to stay safe. Homes with security systems installed are 75% less likely to become burglarized!

They're Affordable

What's a few bucks every month for the peace of mind that you are provided? Home security systems are low cost yet valuable in providing you with the most thorough of protection possible.

All Around Protection

You're not only protected from home robbery but a number of other crimes and disasters when you have home security alarms installed. You can add features to your service that monitors for fire and other disasters in addition to burglaries. In addition, having security home system in place prevents other crimes from occurring with the break-in.

These three reasons should inspire you enough to get off of the couch and make that call to a professional home security company right away. Furthermore, these are only a handful of the benefits of a home security system. The sooner you have yours installed, the sooner you can begin to enjoy these, and the many other amazing benefits that will be yours.

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Sifting Through the Best Security Systems

Like all well-meaning parents and home owners, I am sure that you want only the best to protect your family. These days, the technology involved in creating and designing security systems is rapidly evolving, with home security companies churning out one new product after the other. So, how can one tell the 'leader of the pack' from 'the runt of the litter'?

The truth is that the best home alarm systems are the ones which are tailor-fit to your home's specific security needs. Read on to catch some tips that may help you decide on which security systems can best safeguard your family and your property.

Motion detectors and automatic dialer units

If you are most concerned about the threat of break-ins and intrusions, motion sensors installed near the gates and other entrances could help assuage this anxiety. Invasion into a motion detector's vicinity automatically triggers an alarm that may not only alert you about the situation, but also discourage and fend off the wrongdoers, themselves. Some advanced motion-detecting security systems are hooked up to automatic dialer units. When triggered, an auto-dialer can call up a list of telephone numbers preset by the user upon installation. Users often opt to route the first call to themselves or to other loved ones, and the second call to the police and other authorities.

Internet-accessible cameras

If you are the type who usually leaves the house for long periods of time, a security system that allows 24/7 mobile access may be best for your home. Some of the best security systems make use of cameras that send their footage to networkable Digital Video Recorders (DVRs). Networkable DVRs allow access and control over live or recorded footage anytime and anywhere, as long as an internet connection is available. Simply put, networkable security systems broadcast footage online; but only through the secured network that the user, himself, has set up. Most of these allow control through smart phones and tablets. Imagine getting a view of your security feeds through your iPhone - Nifty, right?

Covert vs. overt

If you want to safeguard your home against random threats of burglary and vandalism, going big and blatant is the smartest thing to do. Surveillance cameras installed in obvious places would certainly intimidate crooks and vandals. The thought of having their faces caught on camera discourages most would-be offenders. On the other hand, if you wish to keep tabs inside your home and catch unsuspecting crooks in the act, spy cameras would work best for you. Hidden surveillance cameras may be relied upon to gather useful evidence. A dishonest household helper or nanny may have a go at your valuables, not knowing you'll be on to them in no time.

Wired vs. Wireless

The question of whether to go with wired or wireless cameras depends on how you wish to install and maintain the system. Installing wired cameras may seem to be a taxing chore for most, with all the unfamiliar cords involved. Also, installing the cameras stealthily may become a challenge due to these tell-tale wires. The plus side is that after mounting the cameras and setting up the DVR, aside from monitoring the footage, nothing else demands great attention - And most security companies will do the installation for you. Installing wireless cameras is less daunting as these were primarily made for easy installation. However, a certain level of computer/networking know-how is required to set-up the networkable DVR and its connection to the installed cameras. In addition, a periodic changing of camera batteries needs to be performed.

Now that you know all the factors that you need to consider, it's time to look around your house and identify your needs. Whichever you eventually choose to work with, just make sure that you familiarize yourself with how your system works. That way, you can be sure that you are maximizing your system's capabilities, acquiring optimal security and getting your hard-earned money's worth.

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Be Safe at Home and While Traveling

Secure Your Doors with Super Door Stop Alarm

We lock our doors to keep our homes safe from the danger that lurks outside to threaten our peace of mind. This is a security measure to keep our families safe. There is nothing scarier than knowing that an intruder has entered your home and could possibly harm the people you love. You deserve the best security measures possible in order to avoid this worst case scenario. Don't be just another statistic when it comes to home invasion. Don't be a victim. Defend yourself by keeping your door secure. This is why you need Super Door Stop Alarm in your home.

Whether you live in a house or a small apartment, the product can be used as an efficient security measure to keep you safe. This alarm aims to dissuade anyone who dares violate the safety of your home. If anyone tries to open the door while the device is activated, they're in for an unpleasant surprise. The alarm's volume range goes up to as high as 120 decibels to deafen and scare off any potential criminals who may have mistaken your home for an easy target. It'll be quite the rude awakening when they realize they've messed with the wrong homeowner.

Of course there are cases of a false alarm where it's not an intruder who sets it off. You don't want to end up waking the whole neighborhood and causing a panic. It's terrible to be roused from a good night's sleep by a shrill alarm that persists in ringing out with no sign of stopping. Thankfully, this alarm system is easy for you to deactivate in the event that a non-threatening element accidentally sets it off. All you have to do is to take the pressure off this door stop and you'll be back to resolute peace and quiet in no time.

This alarm is made with advanced technology that senses pressure. If someone's trying to force their way in, this alarm will be sure to let you know once you have it activated. With this futuristic advancement helping to protect your home reliably, you have nothing to fear. Other alarms may rely on other mechanisms that don't work half as well. Why gamble with the safety of your family? If you're looking for an affordable way to protect your home without sacrificing quality, don't settle for anything less than Super Door Stop Alarm so you have no doubts about being free from the threat of home invasion.

Even when you're travelling, the device is portable and easy to take with you. When you're staying at a motel by the side of the road, it's natural to be apprehensive about your safety. Be safe wherever you go by bringing this alarm. It's easy enough to set up since it's made to fit any door. While it's de-activated, it also functions a regular door stop so you can use it for that function too. You never have to worry about it dying on you since it draws power from a nine volt battery. This is an easy power source to find and purchase if you ever need a replacement. If you're looking for door security, look no further than the Super Door Stop Alarm.

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Expected Qualities of a Rolling Gate Repair Company

Rolling gates are in use for a wide-range of applications, with common uses often consisting of storefronts, concession stands, storage units, to the large-scale warehouse. Rolling gates are a perfect choice to heighten the security of your premises. Besides making the entrance point to the business more secure, these gates are also highly effective at stopping vandals smashing or etching on the expensive storefront glass. They also come in several different configurations, sizes, and materials (metal, vinyl and wood) to ensure there is a perfect fit for almost any requirement and budget.

Providing the rolling gates are installed to a professional standard, maintained, and operated property, they often require very little maintenance. However should a problem present itself, such as the gate not rolling up as smoothly as require or an electric motor starts to malfunction, than it is often necessary to call on the services of a reliable repair company.

Here are some of the key features to expect of a gate repair service -

Experienced Staff - If searching online or in the yellow pages for a repair technician, make certain the company you are contacting use fully certified and trained staff to work on your particular gate installation. You can often search a company's website to see what sort of level the repair technicians are trained up to.

Quick Call Out - If these roll-up gates are a significant feature to your premises security, then any noted problem will need to be repaired as soon as possible. In a lot of cases, it is often quite easy to find a repair service offering a 24-hour emergency call out service, which means a defective gate can be repair at very short notice.

Replacement Parts - If a gate malfunctions and requires replacement parts, then you want to be sure that the company you just called out is about to use high-quality parts, such as those manufactured in high-wearing steel or aluminum, which will stand-up to the toughest elements. Replacement parts need to be comparable to what is being replaced, which should ensure the gate is able to operate for the long-term without future problems.

Guarantee - a trusted and reliable company that is able to stand behind their workmanship will always provide a guarantee on the work or service just provided. At the time of calling for a free quote, it also a sensible precaution to ask about the guarantee on the work and replacement parts, so you know where you stand should a problem occur at a later date.

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A Brief Overview of Gun Safes

Your gun may be one of the more expensive items that you purchase in your lifetime. It's also one of the most important. It will provide you with protection. It can not only endure but continue to work well beyond your lifetime with proper care. It is also inherently dangerous with improper handling and care. For all these reasons, when you bring your gun home for the first time, it is important to have a gun safe to keep it in.

First of all, having a gun safe means that your gun is always in the same location of the house. This may not seem like an important thing to consider, but when you need it quickly in an emergency situation, then you will be very glad that you know precisely where it is in the heat of the moment. Furthermore, a gun safe keeps the gun protected and out of hands that should not have access to it, such as those of intruders and children.

What type of gun safe you purchase is entirely up to you. Available at a wide range of price points, they can be purchased anywhere you find guns for sale. Some are very large and very expensive, as well as attractive to look at. Others are discreet and dark, small boxes that don't look out of the ordinary. The latter are typically quite easy on the wallet. Larger safes often have features to aid in the upkeep and protection of your gun, such as thick metal walls, an anchor, dehumidifiers and easy storage space for gun cleaning equipment. Small gun safes can also have these features with a little creative use of space.

It is smart to buy a safe with a thicker wall. A thin sheet of steel can easily be penetrated by a torch or drill. Such a material is also not fire or water-proof. A wall of a half-inch thick is a good, sturdy feature to have in your gun safe. Anchors secure your safe to the floor with a bolt. This prevents the theft of the entire safe, or having it knocked down if it's larger. Dehumidifiers aid in preventing corrosion, particularly if your safe is stored in a potentially damp area or in a humid environment. Corrosion will quickly end the life of your gun as a useful tool. Lastly, plenty of storage space is not mandatory, but very nice to have! Keeping all your gun accessories with your gun provides for a very tidy, organized space.

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Window Security Grilles - A Compelling Security Solution

It's an unpleasant fact of modern life that crime, of one kind or another, is a constant background threat. Whilst there was some evidence of a tailing off in UK crime figures during 2011 - 2012, crime, and crime prevention are both still very much 'on the radar' of business and home owners. After all, only in 2010 it was reported that someone was being attacked in their own home by an intruder, on average, once every 30 minutes. Meanwhile, during 2011 a 14 per cent rise in burglaries across the UK was reported.

For some people who live or work in one type of premises or another, standard security measures will feel quite sufficient. High-quality door and window locks, and perhaps a burglar alarm, will fit the bill. However, for others, perhaps because of the area in which they are sited, or perhaps on word-of-mouth advice from neighbours, or because they are trying to lower their insurance premiums, more robust security measures are essential.

Window security grilles - a reassuring security enhancement

For such concerned individuals window security grilles may be just the solution. These grilles are literally an extra layer of security that are fitted, usually internally, behind a window. Sometimes they are attached externally, providing a real deterrent against any attempts to break glass. They are made of steel, and are designed to protect the room they serve while not obscuring the view into or out of the room. Sometimes they are configured as vertical or horizontal bars coming down or across the window area, but more usually they are shaped to create a latticework effect. Alternatively, there may be a diamond-shaped pattern that breaks up the straight lines at set points in the grille. Such aesthetic features help window security grilles to look attractive, and fit in better with their surroundings.

The benefits of window security grilles

• Proper window protection - windows are traditionally the weakest, most vulnerable security point of a property

• A powerful deterrent - window security grilles will make any property far less of a tempting prospect to any potential intruder. These industrial strength grilles make it all but impossible to penetrate a property via its windows

• Flexibility - in their retractable format, window security grilles offer great flexibility over more traditional fixed bars. They can be folded back, concertina-like, and can be temporarily hidden, or at least made a background feature of any room. This can be helpful when trying to let in air, or perhaps when trying to create a more relaxed feeling in a room

• Insurance advantage - many insurance companies are of the opinion that window security grilles are a superior addition to any suite of building security measures. These grilles may bring down premium costs or even be a condition of some insurance policies

• Security window grilles fit in well - these security grilles are increasingly being manufactured with aesthetic appeal in mind. They are often offered in a variety of colours, whatever works best with the surrounding decoration, furnishings and fitting. This makes them an attractive prospect to house-proud home owners, as well as to businesses trying to reinforce their brands.

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Buying a New Home Security Alarm System

Safety of the home is an important aspect that requires total and full attention of the homeowners. The rising rate of crime and theft has made it even more important for a person to do his utmost for keeping his house and his belonging safe. Having an alarm installed in the house is a good way of ensuring safety of both your home and your personal possessions. It does not only keep the burglars at bay when you are not home but also alerts you whenever there an emergency situation rises up.

Buying an alarm for home security is a very tricky affair. You have to keep a lot of things in mind when making the decision of getting a new security system for ensuring the safety of your home. Here are some of the most important factors that need to be considered while buying an alarm.

Knowledge of the System's Working

A security alarm system for a home is a very complex device whose working needs to be understood properly before buying it. If you are not in tune with the various aspects of your alarm system, you would not be able to utilize many of its features and might end up getting robbed even with having the alarm system installed. Thus, it is absolutely necessary that you buy an alarm system whose features you are familiar with and have total knowledge about how best to use it.


Another of the important things that need to be considered before buying a new home security system is its price tag. With the advancement in technology, many sophisticated and complex systems are available in the market that can provide a plethora of features to you. However, the complex systems are worth a fortune and might cost you a lot. Simpler and more conventional systems that provide only the basic security features are available in the market too that can be bought by people having a lower budget. Therefore, do consider your budget constraints when choosing which security alarm system to buy.

Installation Requirements

A security alarm for a home, needs to be installed before it can start protecting your home. Each alarm system has its own unique installation requirements, which may include wires being deployed all throughout the home. Buying a sophisticated alarm system will mean that you will have to spend a lot of money on repair costs in addition to the purchase price of the system itself. On the other hand buying a less complex system will have less installation requirements and thus, would prove to be economical for you.

Reliable System's Provider

It is mightily important to buy the security alarm system from a reliable company. The reason for this is that only a trust worthy home security system's provider is capable of providing you with a system that has the best safety features. In addition to this, only reliable companies offer warranties and constant maintenance services to their clients so that you never have to worry about your security system. Therefore, if you want foolproof security for your home then you must buy your new security alarm system from a reliable company.

Keep these things in mind when buying a new home security alarm system and you will have no problems in finding a goods security alarm system.

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Help Prevent a Home Burglary With These 10 Easy Steps

1. Remove trees or shrubs that obstruct the view through windows and doors.

Greenery placed in front of windows and doors provides the burglar with a place to hide when they are attempting to break into a home. If someone is passing by they are less likely to see a potential burglar trying to break in.

2. Around the perimeter of your home it's important to install motion sensor lighting. One of the best defenses against a home burglary at night is to have exterior lighting as the burglar's goal is not to be noticed. In most cases a burglar will flee a home immediately if a motion activated light turns on.

3. Check that the door and window locks actually lock.

Often a window or door lock that isn't working is left to fix at a later stage. Unfortunately, a burglar will find that broken lock and use it to get into the house. So today is the day to fix that lock!

4. Leave the TV or radio on during the day if you're not home.

If a house looks occupied this will deter a potential burglar as they do not want confrontation. They will assume someone is home if they hear a TV or radio and thus walk away.

5. Leave one light on or the radio and TV when you leave your home at night.

If it looks like someone is inside your home, the burglar will tend to avoid invading it. It's important to always give the impression that you are home.

6. Place a sticker on the window and door that states, "These premises are protected by XYZ Alarm Company."

Buying a sticker like this is inexpensive and is like a decal. Having a sticker like this, whether or not you have an alarm system, will make the burglar assume you have one and he will not want to take a chance on invading your home.

7. Make sure and pick up your newspaper every day.

If a burglar sees a pile of accumulated newspapers in the driveway or lawn then they know that someone is not home and your house becomes an easy target.

8. Pick up your mail every day and don't let it sit.

See #7 for explanation.

9. Ask your neighbors to keep an eye out after building a relationship.

A neighbor is safer when there is more eyes watching out for it. When you go out for the day or on vacation, let your neighbors know and ask them to watch your house.

10. Simple window and door contact alarms need to be installed as they make a loud noise when activated.

Easy to install and inexpensive, these alarms can prevent a burglary. Once the alarm is activated by the burglar and they hear the loud noise, more often than not they will flee as they do not want to draw attention to themselves and what they are doing.

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